Having over one hundred dives to the ship has given me an opportunity to penetrate into areas on the Empress of Ireland that are fairly exotic. Two of my most exotic trips are : 1) to the barbershop where the barber's chair is sticking out of the side surrounded by red and white checkered flooring and 2) the deep food stores of the Empress where all the wheat, oats, vegetables etc are stored.
Since we have just visited the third class pantry, I thought that we would go deep down into the food storage area. When I got down there, I was very fortunate to find a friend who decided to give me a guided tour of the food storage area. Unfortunately, my guide was going a bit too fast and was getting me to go deeper and deeper into this unexplored area. I think that he wanted to introduce me to all his other friends but I thought that it was a better idea to decline their offer to converse and get back to more familiar grounds. The amount and diversity of the sea life around the Empress is astounding. One time while I was exploring the stern exterior of the ship, I was startled and scared half to death by a playful seal that wanted to get to know me better!